Monday, March 15, 2010

Dress up Fairy Party!

This was the weekend I found out that Emaleigh is a cake hound.  If there is cake, she will find it and sneak many bites when you think you are watching but she knows better.  It's hard to keep two eyes on three kids and she's fast.
The kids were all happy to see Ms. Bethany there. Lucas was dressed as an Indian, I don't know maybe a lost boy, but he insisted that he wear his sweater.  My kids are all kindof attached to their jackts right now.  It reminds me of a story...
A short story about a parent who wanted their child to learn by natural consequences to eliminate the need for parenting nagging.  The child in this story forgot a coat one winter morning.  The natural consequence was that the child got sick.  The child never forgot the coat again all winter AND all summer long.  I hope my kids ditch the coats before we start hitting the waterpark at Seaworld.

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