My mom treated me and Emaleigh with a quick trip to the sunshine state to meet my new niece, Zoe Claire Garcia. It was awesome to get to see my sister in full mommy mode. Jenny's got that natural nurturing instinct. And she was pretty generous sharing Zoe snuggles. I got to hold her a bit. Jenny even skipped baby baths all week just so I could bath Zoe when I got there. Ms. Zoe was calm cool and collected for the most part.

Emaleigh had a great time too but she was less interested in Zoe and much more interested in Ziggy, my dog nephew and Zoe's big brother. I wish I had a better picture of him but he did not like the red eye on my point and shoot camera. I will replace this photo when I get a better photo from Jenny, hint hint.

And then she definitely soaked up some Aunt Jenny and Uncle N8 love too.

My plane left from the Orlando area on Sunday at 3:30 but we took off from Lakeland at 10:30 am so we could use the trip to fit in another visit with family. My childhood friend and cousin who lives in Winter Garden, Florida. We stopped by their home for a quick lunch and visit. She and her husband, Mr. RB, have two son's. The oldest will be 3 in October and played very nice with Emaleigh, sharing his toys and showing her how they all worked. Her baby was born only a couple of weeks before Zoe. I love this picture with the two of the in their infant carriers still snoozing. Both of these have plenty of hair that they could spare some to my one year old who is still as bald as the day she were born.

Ofcouse we managed to get one rare pictire of Jenny, Dawn and I all together. It has been so long since we were all together. I think it was at my wedding four years ago. I hope we will be able to update this photo sooner than four years from now. The trip was quick and the visits were both entirely too short, but I am glad that I got out there anyway. Sometimes you take a day for a trip you'd prefer to bee a week long just because that week never comes along. Maybe at the end of 2010 we can all reconvene in a mountian town to chase all of our toddlers plus one more from Texas in the snow.
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