Saturday, March 2, 2013

Birthday Surprises

Plans for today have been in the works for quite a while thanks to my sister, Amy. She is good at planning, gifting and celebrating among other things of course. She registered for her and me to run in a 5k race on this morning of my 38th birthday. That is perhaps THE thing that went according to plan today.
We drove up to Austin last night just so I could conveniently wake up in the same city of the morning's race. Good that that was our plan so our kids got some time to play together. Emaleigh and Olivia acted like they were presidents of each others fan club for two hours before we made very one settle down and go to sleep. This morning we got up, had a small breakfast and then started doing a series of things at the same time. My kids want to run too, can they register, do they even have shoes, we scrambled out the door to try to quickly get them registered. It takes cash only so Kevin and Emaleigh make a quick trip to pick up cash and hand it off and I register and they pin their bibs on just in time for the kids start. We race TO THE START just in time and then I check my phone. Kevin has texted me to say that Emaleigh just threw up. That is the thing that set the time for the rest of the day. I did finish the 5k with Amy. But after we got back to the Baltera home and hoped all was better and tries to move on with celebrate plans, Emaleigh let us know that it wasn't going to go that way by throwing up again. We drove back to San Antonio, but not before Uncle B picked up a sweet birthday cake with birthday wishes scripted in my favorite color for me. They sent it home with me. We were mostly home when Kevin and I decided to stop by Costco and pick up
birthday steaks to grill at home AND Emaleigh threw up again. OK, loud and clear. So we have been home most of the day with one sick but very sweet little girl and a boy who seems like it might be him before long and I think one kid still fully healthy. We did have steak, thanks to Kev, but we saved the cake til Emmy is better. The kids got together a gift for me. They wrote me a letter telling me to take a week off and they would do all the chores all week including washing my van. So sweet, I guess I may have to start another book.

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