Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesdays with FPU

It is Wednesday. For most Wednesday evenings for the last year the Force family is at Journey Fellowship to lead others to financial peace in the Financial Peace University program by Dave Ramsey, yeah that dude on the radio from Tennessee. And if you can't get past his accent, search for his paid for in cash home on google and tell me then if you think he MIGHT know what he is talking about when he leads people to live like no one else.
We are 8 weeks into this class period. I love seeing people travel in thought about how they relate to money as they listen to these lectures. The first lesson is basically and introduction and overview and the word budget is thrown around loosely. After that class people seem like they just got to the front of the line of the newest, scariest, curviest, upside downiest roller coaster in the park and they know they are about to buckle into a commitment that will make them uncomfortable but will probably be worth it.
We always worry a little if people will try to jump off too early. Not necessarily dangerous but definitely without full value and there is tremendous value here. Our last two sessions have been smaller but every family stayed and we have watched people move from heels dug in to fully committed to getting out of debt and being intentional with their income and giving and saving like no one else so they can live like no one else. Anyway, it is why we still volunteer to lead this class. I love watching people grab on and walk into financial peace. The following is one of my favorite quotes. There are many
"If you move into a home with any debt and no money down, Murphy will move I to your spare bedroom and bring his three cousins, Broke, Desperate and Stupid" Dave Ramsey, FPU- Lesson 8, REAL ESTATE and MORTGAGES
The attached photos are completely unrelated to the post, just photos from today. Emaleigh asked me to take the one of her in black and red.

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