Friday, March 21, 2014

Fabulous Fun in Mima's Backyard

Me and the Force littles are spending this week in New Orleans with Mima and Papa.  Mima is feeling much much better one month after her triple bypass heart surgery, but she still needs company around to do little things so she doesn't over exert herself.  I have enjoyed returning the, "I can take care of you" duty and will never turn down a chance to do so.  She always took such great care of me.  She was an awesome mommy to her little girls and never failed to get to us for or very near to the birth of all of our kids to hep with newborn stuff. We are pretty much sticking close to home and enjoying homeschooling from a different location.  
The kids aren't short on imagination.  I have found them staging battles with swords and bowstaffs and whatever they can pretend the sticks and brooms they find in the backyard are in their pretend world.  They are like ninja time travelers usually.  They also colored the garden stones with secret code symbols.  Where they go in space is related to the secret code.  They are fun to watch.

Now we also had some grand ideas to make garden stones, personalized by the kids for more decor for the background at Mima and PaPa's. This was not a failed effort entirely but we really learned how to do it well next time which will probably be soon.  FYI Quikrete is not called that way for slow drying. The concrete set a whole lot faster than we could get our little gems and bottlecaps into it.  And we were fast.  Next time we will put our design into the bottom of the mold and pour the mix over the top.

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