Wednesday, March 5, 2014

My Favorite Unintentional Benefits of Homeschooling

Today is not the day to write this post.  Homeschool is nothing if not dynamic. Many days I am proud to hear incessant laughter.  I stop to appreciate hearing my kids use their imagination and enjoying playing together.  I realize that if they were still in their public school, there would be very little time for them to spend together as not only would they have separate classrooms, but we would pretty much be tied to the table with homework until we headed out for evening activities.  None of those things promote them developing a relationship with each other.

So one of my favorite unintentional benefits of homeschooling is the improved relationship my kids have with each other.  They are siblings as well as friends.

BUT TODAY they are enemies.  Lucas knows how to push Addie's buttons and seems to get satisfaction from it.  And even though he knows that he is the only one and that it is a negative behavior that not only upsets oldest sister,but angers me... he does it anyway.  But let's be honest here, Addie is VERY sensitive.  I don't know where she gets it, but I think it is a normal character trait of the first born.  She on the other hand is ahead in schoolwork and is trying to do a few creative projects as gifts for friends while the other two work and the products aren't coming out perfectly the first time and so we have more tears. She is very sensitive and also a perfectionist.  

TODAY I interceded in an argument between Emaleigh and Lucas about whose box was whose.  It seems I was premature in moving the box for Lucas's new soccer ball out to the recycle bin and so he and Emaleigh were fighting over the one that was still in the house.  The argument was over if the remaining box was a ballroom for barbie or a bunker for GI Joe.  Enough already!!! There is one in recycle! Just got get it out and they can both have a place to do whatever it is you will have them do. 

And so another favorite unintentional benefit of homeschooling is the endless imagination the kids have in play.  Nothing is ever only a whatever its intended and boxes are just as much fun as the barbies or army men that inhabit them.  They are also boats, or cars, or some future craft that will end up as a gift for a friend. 

It has just been one of those days.  Everything has been a reason to argue.  Although for the most part, except for the button pushing, I hear a bit of logic in their arguments.  They can argue a point or position without just saying, "I'm Telling" or "Not Fair" or "Mine".  Today the three of them were singing a song that had four lines.  They came up with three scenarios to describe who sings which line, then discussed the options and then decided on a version that divided the lines in half between the girls because Lucas doesn't really like to sing after all.  This kind of problem solving does happen regularly.  IT doesn't happen in every argument.  There is still a bit of frustrated yelling on the way stomping out of the door from time to time, but they are working on it.

I love that they can solve problems between them diplomatically with a decent attempt to find a fair solution that makes everyone happy. Also a benefit I think of their extra time together at home and the individualized attention from their teacher.

I think there are many more.  Not the least of which is my relationship with each of them.  I do love that I get to be with my kids all the time.  There are times when I want to hide in a closet with a bottle of wine, but not most days.  For only a few years I get to have the kids here in my domain and I am so glad that we are homeschooling.  This choice has made parenting and teaching them such a blessed adventure.  We are all growing and learning, but also playing and laughing and loving (that's my favorite).  We are making memories to last a lifetime on a daily basis. And that is pretty stinkin cool.

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